Wednesday 11 May 2016

The Story of another Daisy Mum...

Yesterday I received an email from a lovely lady who attended Daisy Birthing in Weston but now lives in Burnham on Sea. She asked if I would like to share her Daisy birth story so that other local mums can read about her super positive birthing experience and how Daisy Birthing classes really helped her. 

So thank you very much for sharing x

First time mum

Not having a lot of experience with babies or few friends with young children, I had no expectations of labour or having a baby at all. 

I was actually quite clueless, bar hearing the usual horror stories and watching one born every minute, i knew at this time labour would be awful, it would hurt...a lot, and I was dreading it. 
I needed some knowledge. And knowledge is power. 
I certainly gained the power I needed by attending the daisy classes and learning what my body and mind were capable of.

It was midnight and the day we were finally moving our belongings into the house we'd brought a few weeks ago, of all the days I ideally didn't want to go into labour, my waters bed! My first thought wasn't, let's get to the hospital, how will I cope, it was 'who's going to move and sort out all of our stuff?' Haha. 

I didn't have a step by step birthing plan, but knew some things I did want. 

A relaxed, enjoyable and active labour. If possible the idea of a birthing pool and having my baby in there excited me. 

Our first challenge was getting to the hospital though. Of all the days and hours, the m5 was shut at the Taunton junction and the traffic had backed up. As I was sat in the passenger seat, my husband was driving down the hard shoulder, ringing the police panicking! All whilst I was in 'the zone' breathing each wave of contraction, I barely knew what was happening around me. 

By 4am (and at musgrove) my contractions were strong and close. I was initially in a beautiful relaxed room on the midwife led ward, rotating on a bean bag on the floor with sparkling stars on the ceiling. 

A short while later I got into the birthing pool which helped sooth me. 

However my labour went down a route I hadn't envisaged from here.
At 9am I was in that "transition" phase that The teacher speaks about. Me... Wanting an epidural? No...that wasn't the plan?

I demanded to get out of the birthing pool, having no idea how dilated I was. My husband trying to tell me to stay put and reminding me of what I'd be taught. 

That "transition tunnel vision" as I called it, had over come me though and I was taken to the labour ward after me crying and demanding every form of pain relief.

Once arriving there I was told I was fully dilated, but the risks of having an epidural go wrong were increased highly if I were to have one now. 

All that hard work, rotating, breathing etc, had paid off though, I'd done the hard work, it was now time to meet my little man. 
I didn't need an epidural - high five! 

Even though I ended up on the labour ward (where before hand I didn't want to be!) I ended up squatting, rotating, getting on all fours and finally having my baby with no pain relief apart from a few puffs of gas and air. 

I can vividly remember a senior midwife telling me I had to move up the bed whilst I was on all fours on it, otherwise my baby was going to be born onto the floor, but I just couldn't move, I was so zoned in on my breathing and breathing my babies head out, I wasn't moving for anyone, not even channing Tatum! 

My contractions had slowed down at this point, however I continued to do the relaxation breathing we do in every class, this helped nudge babies head out slowly preventing me from having any tears/cuts. 

Charlie Anthony Jennison was born at 13:07 hrs weighing 8lbs 3oz. 

Unfortunately my placenta wouldn't come away afterwards and I ended up going into theatre to get it removed. This didn't dampen the euphoric feeling of my amazing labour and meeting my beautiful son though. 

My labour was 8 hours, which I truly believe was only because of what I'd been taught at the daisy classes. 

Trust me, it works!

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